Be’er Sheba is a city in the Negev with remarkably well preserved ruins. We got to hike around the ancient city and ended up in the residential part of it. As I learned about the houses where families would live together I stood inside the partially reconstructed walls and thought “this seems similar in size to my house.”
I asked Cydni, the greatest archeology professor in the history of the world, how many square feet she thought the house was. She found this to be a ridiculous question and glared at me for a few minutes before saying “I don’t know, around 350 or 400 probably” SAME SQUARE FOOTAGE AS MY HOUSE!! But the ancient Israelis lived in their little houses with their entire family and in the winter they would bring all their sheep and goats in the house too in order to keep them out of the elements and their body heat would keep the family warm.
That makes it seem like me and JD are living in a palace : )
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