As i round the corner to head home I thought it was important to take some time for shout outs:
first - my Dad. Thanks for financing my endless curiosity and thirst for knowledge and first hand experience. I'd sit at home all the time and be really lame if you didn't love me, encourage me and allow me to explore the world.
second - windbreakers. I've always kind of wondered about windbreakers. They're not really waterproof, they're really thin, what's the point? My windbreaker was my NUMBER ONE article of clothing this trip. Rain, snow, sleet, cold, wind, wet, sun, sea... the windbreaker kept me warm and dry. I usually wore it as you see it in the photo above. Thank you windbreakers.
third - my brothers shoes. Andrew, thanks for going to college and needing those ridiculous hiking shoes. Thanks for giving them to me. I am convinced my shoes kept me on my feet ALMOST the entire trip. One fall in three weeks could be an Amy world record.
fourth - James and April. My Israel bffs. They were so kind to me and took me under their wing and let me travel with them, eat with them, learn from them and enjoy their company. They are super cute and such great friends. I am thankful that we go to the same seminary in different cities and got to share this experience together.
finally - Herod the great. Thanks for building awesome stuff that I delighted in looking at and exploring over the past three weeks.
With better internet and more time to reflect I'll have more to add - TONS more pictures, many more stories to tell. Thanks for reading : )